Lethbridge marriage commissioner

When boogie fever strikes at the wedding reception

As a marriage commissioner in Lethbridge, I do not attend the receptions. I’m there to officially marry the couple, then I’m done. And I’m okay with that. But I suspect I may be missing out on some hilarious shenanigans at the post-ceremony party.

I’m not 100% certain what the acceptable embarrassment level is for brides, but in some cases, it must be pretty high. Here’s a bride who can be absolutely certain her guy loves her. After all, he and his pals put on a complete dance show for her.

The Reception Show

It’s up to you to decide if this is a thriller or a chiller. But it’s definitely fun! So, guys … now you know what you have to live up to at your reception.

Take care.

I now pronounce you ... ready for some laughs

Sometimes in life, things don’t always go as planned or how we’d like … if you know what I mean.

Flower girls can do the darndest things

Flower girls can do the darndest things

Take weddings for example.

A wedding is one of the most significant celebrations a couple can experience. It’s a time of love, a time of commitment, and sometimes a time for a little bit of an oopsie!

As a marriage commissioner in Lethbridge, I will often advise couples not to be surprised if things don’t go exactly as they hoped. One of the secrets to a successful ceremony and reception is being able to roll with punches, so to speak. Enjoy a laugh if there are goof-ups. I can promise you it’s better than getting upset and allowing little things to cast shadows over your special day.

Officiating at weddings in southern Alberta, I have seen a few surprises along the way that resulted in some laughs – unity candles that wouldn’t stay lit, flower girls screaming and crying all the way up the aisle, sound systems that wouldn’t work.

But I’ve been fortunate enough not to experience the funny moments in these wedding videos.


I hope you have a chuckle or two and if you are looking for a marriage commissioner in the Lethbridge area, I would be honoured to serve as your officiant.

Take care.